You can exchange eligible items through the "Your Orders" section on our website. Here’s how to exchange an item:
Contact the Seller: Reach out to the seller directly.
Provide a Reason: Clearly state the reason for your return or exchange.
Follow the Instructions: Adhere to the specific return or exchange instructions provided by the seller.
If you don't see the order you're looking for, you can select the specific date when you placed the order from the drop-down menu at the top of the page.
We'll process your exchange order using the same shipping method that was used for your original purchase. To avoid being charged for both the original and exchange items, make sure to return the original item(s) using the return label provided during the return process.
Please note, the exchange order will only be shipped once we receive confirmation that the original item(s) have been sent back to the seller. To ensure a smooth and timely exchange, we recommend shipping back the original item(s) as soon as you initiate the exchange request.
Having trouble finding the item you're looking for?
You can browse our website to select the product you want and place an order. If you’re unable to find a suitable item for exchange, you also have the option to cancel your order before it has been shipped by the seller.
Is the exchange option unavailable, or was the item a gift?
Simply return the item and place a new order for the product you need.
For detailed information on item eligibility, please refer to our Exchanges and Returns page.
Important Notes:
Items purchased with a promotion are not eligible for exchange.
Exchanges can only be processed for orders paid for with a credit or debit card.
Price Change on the Item You're Exchanging? We do not offer price matching. If the price of the item has changed, it will not be matched during the exchange process.
Refunds When you return an item, the refund amount and method may vary based on the original payment method. To check the status of your refund and the payment method refunded, visit the Your Orders section.